Dissemination activities for the VEMoS project have been specially designed to allow the sharing of emerging concepts and findings in order to receive and record valuable stakeholder reaction, feedback, and approval.
12/11/2021 - Prof. Jorge L. Alió attends the Subespeciality Day: refractive Surgery - American Academy of Ophthalmology Meeting 2021 - New Orleans - and presents the VeMOS project.
12/11/2021 - Prof. Jorge L. Alió attends the Subespeciality Day: refractive Surgery - American Academy of Ophthalmology Meeting 2021 - New Orleans - and presents the VeMOS project.
30/06/2022 – The project's software developer Marina José Martínez attends the 9th International Work-Conference on Bioinformatics and Biomedical Engineering 2022- Gran Canaria - and presents the VEMoS software.
19/09/2022 – First free paper presentation at the 40th congress of the ESCRS in Milan. Presented by the software developer of the VEMoS project Marina José Martínez.
19/09/2022 – Francesco Versaci, engineer of CSO, presented the Open Field Aberrometer- Osiris, the endpoint of the VEMoS project ophthalmic device at the ESCRS congress in Milan.
13/10/2022 - Antonio Martínez Abad, research and development optometrist at Vissum Grupo Miranza in Alicante, presented a poster of the VEMoS project at the EVER congress in Valencia.
20/01/2023 - Francesco Versaci, engineer of CSO, presented the Open Field Aberrometer and the Topographer MS39-AXL, the VEMoS project´s ophthalmic devices, at the Corso di biometria avanzata in Bologna (Italy).
12/03/2023- ePoster at the 27th ESCRS winter congress in Vilamoura, Portugal.
26/05/2023- VIII International Congress of research in Retina and Vision (SIREV 2023). Presented by the software developer of the VEMoS project Marina José Martínez and awarded as “Best oral communication in clinical research”.
09/09/2023- Dr. Jorge Alió del Barrio presented the VEMoS Project at the CSO Symposium event that took place in Vienna.
10/09/2023- Two free paper presentations at the 41st ESCRS congress in Vienna 2023 by software developer Marina José Martínez.
17. 29/09/2023- Dr. Prof. Jorge L. Alió presented the VEMoS Project Poster at the 99th Congress of "Sociedad Española de Oftalmología" (SEO 2023) that took place in Sevilla (Spain).