Our ophthalmic all-in-one diagnostic devices (CSO´S MS39-AXL and Open Field Aberrometer) have arrived at our clinics to proceed with the clinical validation of the VEMoS project! This single device will provide the highest number of visual analysis tools (corneal and ocular wavefront and topography). The biometric data collected from the MS39-AXL will be used as a template to build a virtual model of the patient´s eye thanks to the advanced ray tracing algorithms developed for the VEMoS software. In addition, the OFA device will be used as part of the verification of the project´s software through the comparison of aberrations and further analysis on the wavefront error generated.
Training of our ophthalmologists/optometrists will begin shortly, preparing them for the start of the VEMoS clinical trials.

“This device is part of a project that has received funding from the European Union´s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 878748”.