
VEMoS project meeting at the ESCRS in Vienna

Once more, the VEMoS team met during the 41st European Society of Cataract and Refractive Surgeons Congress (ESCRS 2023) in Vienna. An opportunity to discuss any pending tasks to be accomplished prior to the closure of the project that we have been working on for the last four years.

VEMoS team members at Vienna´s meeting. Starting from left to right is Dr. Miguel Raimundo (MD, CHUC, Portugal), Gilda Mura (Quality mgr., CSO, Italy), Henrik Sejersen (Clinical optometrist, AUH, Denmark), Prof. Dr. Jesper Hjortdal (Clinical Professor, AUH, Denmark), Marina José (Biomed. Eng., Vissum Grupo Miranza, Spain), Alejandra Rodriguez (Coord. R&D, Vissum Grupo Miranza, Spain), Prof. Dr. Jorge Alió (MD, PhD, FEBOphth, Vissum Grupo Miranza, Spain) and Francesco Versaci (R&D Eng., CSO, Italy).
