Vissum Grupo Miranza has been a leader in Alicante’s ophthalmology for 30 years. Founded by Dr Jorge Alió, the clinic has since maintained its vocation as a comprehensive center, with professionals who are experts in all eye diseases, both in the anterior segment and the retina, as well as in glaucoma and pediatric ophthalmology, among others areas of expertise. The clinic is an international benchmark in the treatment of corneal pathologies, particularly corneal transplants, and is a forerunner in advanced refractive surgery techniques to correct presbyopia, myopia, hyperopia and astigmatism, even making it possible to correct high prescriptions and treat corneal aberrations.
Vissum is responsible for the VEMoS software development, upgrading, and final prototyping for final testing in internal and independent clinical trials. In addition, as project coordinator, Vissum will ensure a smooth development and facilitate communication among partners and with the EC. Vissum will also develop a dissemination and communication plan to maximize project impact.
Main personnel involved: www.miranza.es/en

Ramón Berra de Unamuno, Project Coordinator
Ramón Berra de Unamuno is the current General Manager in Grupo Miranza. Former CEO of GenesisCare in Spain, he holds a Medical Degree by the Universidad Autónoma de Madrid. Formerly, he was CEO of USP Hospitales, Sanyres and Viamed. As project coordinator, Vissum will ensure a smooth development, facilitating communication among partners and develop a dissemination plan to maximize project impact.

Prof. Dr Jorge Alió y Sanz, Clinical Manager
Prof. Dr Jorge Alió y Sanz, Professor of Ophthalmology at the Miguel Hernández University of Elche (UMH) and founder of Vissum is considered to be the world’s tenth most important professional in the sector by the prestigious magazine ‘The Ophthalmologist’ in a list of one hundred leading professionals (‘The Powerlist 2016’). This is the second time that Jorge Alió has appeared in this classification, whose first edition dates from 2014.
From creating the concept of micro-incision cataract surgery (MICS) to leading much of the research in the field of refractive surgery, Dr Alió is noted for his extensive career in teaching, research and clinical and surgical practice. Dr Alió has published 86 books and been co-author of another 323. He has published over 700 articles in national and international scientific journals and has received numerous international awards for his research in ocular neovascularisation, preventive ophthalmology, refractive surgery and anterior segment surgery. Dr Alió will be the Clinical Manager in WP3 (clinical validation), coordinating and supervising all activities related to the clinical trial at Vissum clinics (Alicante and Madrid).

Marina José Martínez, Software developer
Marina José Martínez has a Biomedical Engineering degree from Alicante University and expertise in multiple programming languages and technologies acquired through both academic coursework and professional experience as a Software Engineering Analyst at Accenture, she confidently takes on the pivotal role of lead software developer for the VEMoS project.
Other participants at Vissum and Miranza:
- Research Manager: Alejandra Eliana Rodríguez Zunino
- General Manager at Vissum: Luis Carrasquer
- Supervisor of Vissum clinic in Alicante: Beatriz Tamarit Sánchez
- MD in Ophthalmology: Dr Jorge Alió del Barrio
- Medical Director: Alejandra Amesty
- Optometrist: Ana Belén Plaza Puche
- Optometrist: Antonio Martínez Abad
- Financial Director at Miranza: Ricardo Mateos
- Head of Computer Department at Miranza: Mar Mas
- Marketing & Communication Director at Miranza: Carlota Guinart